In order to give our understanding of online inquiry and information sharing a completely new foundation, to better comprehend the sources of online epistemic risk, and to better prepare ourselves to navigate them skillfully, the project will make use of the most recent social epistemology and virtue epistemology tools.
The fact that earlier epistemological approaches to the online infodemic isolated the theoretical focus on brain-bound cognition from the technologies that are so deeply and intricately scaffolded us is one of their theoretical limitations.
Given that traditional epistemology has only recently started to theorize about knowledge and intellectual virtues in a way that appreciates how good thinking is frequently not clearly separable from good cognitive scaffolding, that is, from good and responsible ways of relying on our environments and on technology to further our intellectual goals, this kind of focus is not surprising.
In order to better assess online epistemic risk, better navigate information online, and more effectively transform digital information into digital knowledge, the project provides a novel framework for reasoning about the virtues and vices of digital epistemology.
In addition to producing scholarly results, the project's practical goal is to collaborate with educationalists and
University of Aberdeen information
In Aberdeen, Scotland, there is a public research institution called the University of Aberdeen.
The third-oldest university in Scotland and the fifth-oldest in the English-speaking world, King's College was established in 1495 after William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen and Chancellor of Scotland, petitioned Pope Alexander VI on behalf of James IV, King of Scots, to create it.
The top 20 universities in the world, including Aberdeen, are consistently included among the top 160 universities in the world.
The University of Aberdeen Ph.D. Philosophy Scholarship: Goals and Benefits
The fellowship offers a £6,000 annual maintenance stipend in addition to a full waiver of tuition fees.
Subject to satisfactory progress, a three-year scholarship will be given out.
University of Aberdeen PhD Philosophy Scholarships
qualifications for the University of Aberdeen Ph.D. Philosophy Scholarship.
Applicants from all over the world are welcome to apply for this competitive scholarship.
- Candidates must demonstrate exceptional academic merit and the ability to conduct independent research through their references, proposal, and prior experience.
- The applicant must hold—or anticipate holding—an undergraduate degree in philosophy with courses in epistemology at the UK first-class or 2:1 honors level, or the international equivalent, before beginning study.
- Although it is not necessary, it is preferred that you have a master's degree in your field of study.