2022 NECO GCE Biology [OBJ/Essay] Questions and Answers

Looking for 2022 NECO GCE Biology verified questions and answers for paper II & III (obj and theory) you are in the right place. In this article, I will give you free access to all the correct, likely and sample questions and answers for the examination.

NECO GCE Biology questions

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Neco GCE Biology Essay Questions 202

Section II [Theory]:
Answer any four questions from this section. Each question carries 10 marks.
Write your answers in the answer booklet.

1. (a) (i) State two main functions of roots.
(ii) Make a drawing 8-10cm long of the transverse section of the stem of a dicotyledonous plant and label fully.
(b) In a tabular form, state three differences between the functions of vascular tissues of plants and the skeleton of mammals.
(c) State: (i) two functions of xylem tissues;
(ii) one function of phloem tissues.
(d) What is meant by the term tropism?

2. (a) What is reproduction?
(b) In a tabular form, state six differences between sexual reproduction and
(c) asexual reproduction.
(d) State three advantages of sexual reproduction.
(e) (i) Describe the female reproductive structure of a flowering plant.
(ii) List two factors necessary for the germination of seeds.

3. (a) (i) What is pollution?
(ii) Name three water pollutants.
(iii) State five harmful effects of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere.
(b) (i) Explain the term population.
(ii) Explain how a pitfall trap is used to measure the population size of organisms in a habitat.

4. (a) In a garden, it was observed that the leaves of some vegetables were molting and had turned yellow, purple, and orange. There was stunted growth of mostly the lower leaves and the vegetables possessed a weak stem. List the elements likely to be deficient in the garden soil.
(b) State three methods that can be adopted by a farmer to improve soil fertility for improved yield.
(c) State four similarities and four differences between the alimentary canal of a bird and a cockroach.
(d) List four disorders of the alimentary canal of humans.

5. (a) (i) Bacteria reproduce asexually by dividing in two. What term is used for this form of asexual reproduction?
(ii) What do bacteria form when environmental conditions become unfavourable?
(iii) What does the term pathogenic mean in relation to bacteria?
(b) (i) Name an organ in the human body, other than the kidney, in which excretion takes place.
(ii) In which part of the flower is pollen produced?
(iii) In which part of a flower does a seed form?
(c) Name another member of the kingdom to which Rhizopus belongs, other than yeast, and explain how it is of benefit to humans.

6. (a) (i) What is courtship behaviour?
(ii) Outline five benefits derived by the exhibition of courtship behaviour.
(b) Describe briefly courtship behavior in the Agama lizard.
(c) Describe briefly the mammalian placenta.

7. (a) Explain briefly the role of the skin as a sensory organ.
(b) Describe briefly the vegetation of Tropical Rain Forest.
(c) List five animals that inhabit the Tropical Rain Forest.

NECO GCE Biology Obj Questions and Answers

neco biology answers 2017

neco biology expo

Disclaimer: The questions and answers above are not the real ones for this year. They are sample and likely questions which is meant to help you prepare for your exams.

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