2021/2022 Physics Obj and Theory Questions & answers is Out

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WAEC 2020/2021 Physics Obj and Theory Questions And Answers 

11-20: CCCABB
21-30: C-DADCD-DA

Questions No: (1)

Mass = 20g = (20/)100kg = 0.02kg
Extension = 5cm = (5/100)m = 0.05m
K = 200N/
V = ?
1/2mv² = 1/2ke²
V = √ke²/m = √200×0.05×0.05/0.02
V = √25
V = 5m/s

Questions No: (2a)

P - Initial velocity of the projectile
B - Angle of projection
H - Maximum height reached by the projectile
R - Range or the total horizontal distance covered
by the

Questions No(2b):

R=P^2 sin 2β/g
at maximum range sin2β=1
This happens at β = 45degree

Questions No(3):


Questions (4):

(i)Magnetic Declination
(ii)Horizontal Component of Earth’s Magnetic Field
(iii)The angle of Dip or Magnetic Inclination

Questions No (5a):

Free electrons are electrons in a material which can
contribute to electric current.

Questions No (5b):

hole is the absence of an electron in a particular
place in
an atom

Questions No(6a):

Principle of operation of fiber optics state that the
of transparent glass and the refractive index is
greater than
the density of the two mirrors

Questions No (6b):

(i)it is used to view deep down the throat of a
(ii)it is used to conveying information

Questions No(9a):

Latent heat is energy released or absorbed, by a
body or a
thermodynamic system, during a constant-temper

Questions No (9aii):

(i)surface area in contact with atmosphere
(ii)nature of the liquid

Questions No(9bi):

Clay is poorer conductor of heat than plastic

Questions No (9bii):

An increase in pressure in the cooker increase the
temperature in the cooker hence the food cooks

Questions No (9c):

(i)Change in the state of a substance
(ii)Increase in temperature

Questions No (9di):

Heat supplied = m1
lvt = m1
L=672000/1.5= 448,000J/kg
Laten heat of fusion of the body = 4.48*10^5J/Kg

Questions No (9dii):

lvt=mc D tita
Specific heat capacity of the body =384J/Kg/K

Questions No (8ai):

It state that every particles in the universe attract every other particle with a force that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

Questions No(8aii):

Gravitational field is a region of space around a mass on which the gravitational force of the mass can be felt

Questions No (8bi):

F=GMeM/re² ------from newton's law
Where Me is mass of earth
re is the distance of mass from earth
G is a constant of gravitation 
But F=GMeM/re² =mg

Questions No (8bii):

(i)That The earth is a sphere
(ii)That g depends on mass of earth alone

Questions No (8c): 

Using F = GMeM/r²
F= 79.7732*10^43/2.25*10²²

Questions No (8di):

Escape velocity (Ve) is the minimum velocity required for an object (egg statelite) to just escape or leave the gravitational influence or field of an astronomical body (eg earth) permanently 
(i)g varies across the earth but G is constant 
(ii)the unit of g is m/s² while that of G is NM²/Kg²

Questions No (1)

Mass = 20g = (20/100)kg = 0.02kg
Extension = 5cm = (5/100)m = 0.05m
K = 200N/
V = ?
1/2mv² = 1/2ke²
V = √ke²/m = √200×0.05×0.05/0.02
V = √25
V = 5m/s

Questions No (9ai):

Latent heat is energy released or absorbed, by a body or a thermodynamic system, during a constant-temperature process. 

Questions No (9aii):

(i)surface area in contact with atmosphere
(ii)nature of the liquid

Questions No (9bi):

The rate of absorption of heat by clay pot is less than the rate of absorption of heat by plastics. Also, water gets evaporated in a clay pot which the evaporation causes cooling; so water in a clay pot remains cool

Questions No (9bii):

An increase in pressure in the cooker increase the ambient temperature in the cooker hence the food cooks faster

Questions No (9c):

(i) Change in the state of a substance
(ii) Increase in temperature

Questions No (9di):

Heat supplied = m1
lvt = m1
L=672000/1.5= 448,000J/kg
Laten heat of fusion of the body = 4.48*10^5J/Kg

Questions No (9dii):

lvt=mc D tita
Specific heat capacity of the body =384J/Kg/K


11) u= 5ms-1                                   u= 6ms-1
      A= 1ms-2                                     a= 3ms-2
     p→                                                        ←a


Questions (11a):

t when particles are 30 meters apart
S= ut + ½ at2
Sp= st + ½ t2
Sa = 6t + 1/2 (3)t2
Where sp and sa are distances covered by particles respectively at any time t
At time, t= 1.5s
Sp = 5(1.5) +  ½(1.5)2 =8.625m
sa = 6(1.5) + ½ (3)(1.5)2 = 12.375m
sp + sa = 8.625 + 12.375
= 21m
Distance between particles = 51 – 21 = 30m
At time t = 1.5s, the particles will be 30 meters apart.

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