Waec 2020/2021 Geography Practical & Physical questions and answers (Obj & Essay/Theory) is out

Waec 2020/2021 Geography Practical & Physical questions and answers is Now Available (OBJ & Essay/Theory)

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*_FOR 2020 WAEC Geography Essay & Objective Answers


(i)houses are close together. 

(ii)Social services are available in these settlements. 

(iii)Roads are narrow in the old parts of these settlements. 

(iv)People from different castes, religions,races and ideologies live together in these settlements and hence they have a better social life.


(i)Selling expensive or rare goods/services e.g. Lagos.

(ii)Providing jobs in industry or services.

(iii)As an administration centre for the area around it.

(iv)As an entertainment centre, for example offering sporting attractions, shopping areas, restaurants.


(i)Body of water (transportation routes, water for drinking and farming)

(ii)Flat land (easy to build)

(iii)Fertile soil (for crops)

(iv)Forests (timber and housing)

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*_FOR WAEC Geography Practical Answers.


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Last 2019 geography questions and answers

Geography 3(Practical and Physical Geography) – 2:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.

Geography practical 

Mode of formation : Chemically formed sedimentary rock rock are formed when chemical sediments accumulates over a long period of time. These sediments then undergo further processes to form rock 

(i) Limestone 
(ii) Chalk 
(iii) Barite 

(i) They serve as a source of minerals such as halite ie common salt 
(ii) They produce limestone used in producing cement 
(iii) They houses fossil records 

(iv) They help in housing coral reefs which serves as tourist attraction

The expected points included:
– when the ground is heated by the sun
– there is evaporation and evapo-transpiration
– air rises to high attitude
– cooling of air with attitudes lead to saturation
– condensation takes place around hydroscopic nuclei

– there is coalescence of particles to form clouds.

A lake is a land-locked body of slow-flowing water

WIND EROSION LAKES: These are lakes formed where wind deflation erode and result into formation of depression in desert. If such depressions are small and shallow pan lakes may form. But sometimes such depression goes deeper to expose water table and result into formation of Oasis lakes like in Qattara Depression in Egypt.

(i) It provides water and food for human use
(ii) It helps in water pollination purification to support ecosystems

(iii) Serves as tourist center

The major problems resulting from water pollution include:
– water borne diseases e.g. cholera;
– shortage of clean water for domestic use;
– shortage of water for industrial use;
– ecological imbalance;
– rapid growth of water weeds;
– polluted water cannot be used for agricultural purposes;
– migration of people and animals.

7b) Do not place a rain gauge under trees or roofs to avoid extra collection of water.

ii) Prevent it from any obstruction. 

iii) Place it on a raised fixed platform to avoid splashing water from entering.

7a) *RAIN GAUGE*: An instrument used by the meteorologists to measure the amount of rainfall over a period of time is the rain gauge. Rainfall is generally measured in millimeters or inches. ... The standard rain gauge instrument generally consists of a funnel connecting to a graduated cylinder which is marked in millimeters.

*Q8(a)* Food chain 

A food chain is a linear network of links in a food web starting from producer organisms (such as grass or trees which use radiation from the Sun  to make their food) and ending at apex predator  species (like grizzly bears  or killer whales), detritivores (like earthworms or woodlice),  or decomposer species (such as fungi or bacteria)._
Q4(a) Lake 

A lake is an area filled with water, localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land, apart from any river or other outlet that serves to feed or drain the lake.
Food chain

A food chain is a linear network of links in a food web starting from producer organisms (such as grass or trees which use radiation from the Sun  to make their food) and ending at apex predator  species (like grizzly bears  or killer whales), detritivores (like earthworms or woodlice),  or decomposer species (such as fungi or bacteria).

 A food chain also shows how the organisms are related with each other by the food they eat. Each level of a food chain represents  a different trophic level.





¶The rain gauge is placed in an open space so that no runoff from trees or buildings can get into the funnel.
¶The outer cylindrical container is sunk into the ground so that the Sun's heat does not evaporate any water in the inner collecting can
¶The inner container sticks up about 30cm above the ground to prevent splashes from the ground from getting in.


¶Must be read at eye level
¶Sited in an open place eg field
¶Should be fenced with a wire gauze to prevent rodents and feet from touching it.
¶Readings must be taken daily

Total rainfal= total rainfall for each month(January -December )/12

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